Summer’s Final Stretch


Hello there, fellow Infuzioners, it’s been a long time… TOO LONG!

The Overview: 8 weeks of camps (6 down, 2 to go)… 2 festivals… 1 goal… Connecting people to the heart of Jesus!

The Details: I sit and stare at the screen, the cursor flashing and waiting for me to type something in this empty space. The anticipation builds as I dream about the upcoming camps alongside the many memories that fill my mind from the events that have already taken place. I sit, think, and I praise God for the chance to share the Gospel with campers that need real hope from their real hurt. See, my redemptive God is on the move and bringing healing, forgiveness, meaning, and purpose to a hungry and desperate generation!

This is what it is like to be at camp and see a culture of vulnerability take shape. People often come with their hearts guarded, but by the middle of the week most are laughing, excited, and open to something (Someone!) greater. I love camp and the Kingdom work that takes place at camp. The landscape of Heaven changes; the spiritually hungry and curious come inviting Jesus into their lives, desiring a relationship with Him, willingly abandoning sin and a heart that once served themselves. Though the themes are many, it all comes back to Jesus!

The story of Infuzion® isn’t just my own. The story belongs to you. It belongs to the Lord. It has been an incredible summer thus far, but we still have two more weeks to go! I can’t tell you how many people have come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or how many have fallen in love with Him all over again, but I can tell you that the stories are numerous and filled with power from on high. Nearly 1,000 campers and staff members have been part of our ministry this summer! 

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. We continue to press into the Lord for His leading and direction for our upcoming fall season. Make sure you check out Untorn® this Tuesday for a brand new and fresh episode. In the meantime, may God richly bless and move in your life in incredible ways!

For the Kingdom, Jay Trainer

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