Shame Must Fall

DAILY… I wrestle… I struggle… I feel weak… I sense internal insignificance… I battle to not pass it on!

Shame is very powerful feeling that not only impacts its host like a parasite, but it also quickly moves onto manipulate others into experiencing the same low feelings of disgrace. Influence is its weapon of choice to utilizing deception, lies, and a faulty thought process to take up residence in its new host.

As the old saying goes, “Misery loves company.” It’s similar to any extreme feeling that we are facing in life. We want to be around people that can relate to us in our low moments in life along with celebrating with us during the joyous occasions. Shame is the toxic weed to our fertile hearts of expressing worship and experiencing joy that is rooted in Christ. It will also tear others down focusing on the negative and discouraging any positive attributes or characteristics of godliness, holiness, and righteousness in a given situation. 

In the past, shame has occupied my heart. I don’t want it there, I don’t need it there! When operating out of emptiness, it is shame that will come along and fill the void in my life. Sometimes it likes to whisper in my ear that it is still around. It’s not! It’s old news because that time of my life is over!

When the whispers come, the habit of turning towards Jesus is what has become a normal reaction for me. In order for anything ungodly to fall in our lives, God must be high and lifted up with our hearts. He is our champion and we need to lean into His reality. Fighting shame and weakness in our own strength is only going to result in growing more frustrated, allowing the weakness to grow and take further root inside of us. Shame must fall! God must be exalted! Let’s press into this reality for this week!

Much Love, Jay 

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