The Breakaway


If you have ever spent anytime around Infuzion®, you would know that we are huge sports fans, particularly football. Having grown up and lived in Western New York my whole life, the Buffalo sports teams hold a special place in my heart. I have always enjoyed watching the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres represent our area. For most Western New Yorkers, it has always been a pride thing, a point of connection or identity that is interwoven between the professional sports teams and this community. 

One of the most exciting plays in sports is the breakaway. It’s that moment where it’s just you, the ball (or the puck), the goalie, and the dream of making the big play. While some can handle the pressure, others will choke. The breakaway is a very exciting and special moment for players, opponents, and fans alike. I can only imagine the adrenaline that the players experience in that moment, but in order for the moment to have any lasting signifcance, the player must capitalize on the opportunity. When a player fails, they either lack the skill set or they forget to focus on the moment. Players will get ahead of themselves instead of taking care of business in that moment. 

Just like in sports, I think that when it comes to living life with purpose and mission for the Kingdom of God, opportunity happens when we have the chance to break away from the huddle. The huddle is a wonderful place for coaching and encouragement, but for the execution of the play to take place, we need to be willing break away to handle the opportunities that God gives to us. Let’s not write off the huddle, though, because we do need encouragement and assistance in life. 

It’s a balance, a fine line between both ends of the spectrum. The point being in all of this is that there needs to be movement as people who are living the Godly mission. Whether on the breakaway or in the huddle, the team should be serving the purpose of pulling together and winning together. We need to be doing the same when it comes to the Kingdom of God. The huddle is good for different things, but we can’t stay parked there. The breakaway is good, too, but we can’t remain in this reality alone either. We need encouragement. We need the team. Find your balance and be led by the Lord to be people of purpose and mission for the Kingdom of God! Whether on the breakaway or in the huddle, we serve the greater purpose of winning together as a team.

Much Love, Jay


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