Every moment, every day beauty is all around us. Life happens and busyness sets in, distracting us from the present realities that we are meant to encounter. We lose sight and focus on what matters because of the different life interruptions that take place instead of us being proactive in our situations, we fall victim to becoming controlled by our circumstances.
Perhaps it is time to swerve. Perhaps it is time to change the direction of our lives from just living to get past the day and onto the next thing and enjoy the present happenings.
It happened to me the other day. I was on heading to the southern tier for a camp gathering. I focused on getting to a final destination instead of taking in the moment of the drive. The directions took me on some back roads and out of nowhere, there was this dense fog that was beginning to lift with the rising of the sun. It was awesome, but I didn’t take notice at first. I saw the obstacle and how it was interrupting my plans to make it to the luncheon at a certain time.
So… I stopped. I swerved over to the side of the road and took in the moment once the conviction to take notice set into my heart. I took pictures which really don’t capture the beauty or the fullness of what was happening in front of me. I needed that to remember the greatness of God and how there is beauty in all that He has created, no matter what the surface may look like!
We all need to take moments in our day to pause and see the reality of what is happening presently around us. Take some time today to give thanks for all that God has done and for the beauty that is right in front of you. Take time today to put into proper perspective the obstacles that are in front of you that can become incredible opportunities. It’s worth it! You’re worth it! Don’t get too busy for your own good. Stay beautiful!
Much Love, Jay